Mar 31, 2004-
Rumor has it that Mr. Tony Marini's school graduated not only Herbie Hancock but also Mel Torme.

Mar 20, 2004-
Tony continues to teach at Hyde Park HS in Chicago. He's also the golf coach. In addition, he teaches "home-bound" students and provides some other kind of after-school tutoring. "Hyde Park loves me," says Tony. Of course, Tony provided entertainment vis-a-vis his real life story. Tony and Vicky's current husband get along well. In fact, Tony spent several days with the family at Christmas. Vicki, her four kids, and husband live in a Kankakee trailer park. The adults, including Vicki's mom, partied the night of the 25th, and then Vicki's mom wanted her current and former son-in-laws to perform a strip tease. Tony declined, but the other man changed into a thong and started the dance! Tony also shared that Vicki's current husband is taller than Tony, but, according to Vicki, Tony is bigger. Of course, the written word does not equal the hilarity and gusto when one hears the source directly. (submitted by fearless correspondent Markus Erickson)

July 28 - Toni flies into Midway airport from CA on 8/22 - he is planning on being in Michiana on 8/23 but we feel he may just drive straight up!

Mar 14 - Toni played basketball at North Park Covenant Church on Monday. He's got some skills, was in good spirits, and the belly appears to be smaller. He hopes to get an apartment near Comisky Park, aka US Cellular Field, in the very near future. His job at Hyde Park* is the "easiest job" he's ever had. He has four classes, one study hall every two weeks, and ends his day at 1:30 - although he can't leave the building until 2:30. Hyde Park is in the process of becoming certified to carry an International Baccalaureate program. An IB program "is designed for students who are highly motivated and desire a rigorous academic program." According to CPS literature, only nine Chicago high schools are presently IB certified. Several others are trying to gain certification.

Mar 12 -Toni's got a full-time job teaching math at Hyde Park HS in Chicago, and he starts today. Tony is shacking up with Ron in his cozy apartment until Tony can rent an apt.

Mar 2 - Tony is coming back to Chicago. He has a
substitute job a Tilden and will be looking for a fulltime job while he
is working. I guess he is going to stay with Ron till he gets things

Feb 15 - Toni decided this morning to move to his mom's abode in Idaho. He's packing today and leaving tomorrow. His reasons include:

1) he wouldn't be able to parent the children and work 2-3 jobs.
2) he's running low on cash and doesn't have a job offer.
3) he needs "someone to take care of [him]."
4) Vicki threatened him.

Feb 14 - Kenny-O turned down Toni's request to live at Ken's house with Kenny citing Toni's shabby treatment of Ted Roberg as a main reason for denial

1996 - Tone E writes masterpeice "How to pick up chicks"
